
Southerners cinnamon soda recipe

tisdag 28 april 2015

My little brother was very enthusiastic today and had borrowed this book from the library and wanted  to make some soda lemonade so we went to the supermarket and got ourselves some apple must and pomegranate. This recipe is from the book "Soda lemonad & snacks" by Tove Nilsson.

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1 pomegranate
1 1/2 dl sugar
1 bottle (6 dl) of apple juice/must
4,5 teaspoons of cinnamon
1,5 tablespoon dried hibiscus flowers
1 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice

Take out the fruit pulps of the pomegranate. Melt the sugar until brown (not burned) then withdraw from heat. Add the apple juice slowly! The hot sugar will cause the water to pop. Careful not to burn yourself. The sugar will harden, dissolve with a spoon. Add hibiscus, lemon juice and cinnamon. Boil on low heat with lid for 30 min, stir in the beginning until all sugar is dissolved. Sieve the liquid. Fill up in a glass bottle, let cool. Serve cold with crushed ice.

This recipe is very sweet so you can use less sugar. Once there is apple season you can make your own apple juice to add to this lemonade.

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