I got this recipe from my mother, she does it everytime we have friends and family over for dinner. It is originally from one of her cook books and the recipe is called "Annas havrebaguetter" wich can somewhat be translated to Anna's oat baguettes". It is a very delicious bread and you can easily make the preparations around 3 hours before the guest arrives.

260 C 15 min, 150 C 15 min
1/2 package of yeast
2 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon honey
6 dl of lukewarm water
2 1/2 dl of fiber oat (gyllenhammar)
10 dl whey flour
crush the yeast, add salt and honey and dissolve it with a little bit of the 37 C water. Add rest of the water. Add the oat then the rest of the flour. work the dough togheter and cover the bowl with a baking cloth and let prove for 1-2 hours. pour out the dough, don't knead it or you will ruin the air bubbles. Cut the dough in 4 pices with a baking scrape or similar. shape them into baguettes as long as your oven plate is and twist them in a spiral pattern and put a little flour on top of them. put them one by one on the oven plate paper on your oven plate and shove them into the oven. Start at 260 C for 15 min, then when the bell rings lower temperature to 150C for another 15 min and then they are done!
Please let me know what you think if you tried it!
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